Hernias can be complex. Learning more doesn’t have to be.

Find a provider near you

Enter your location to locate surgeons and hospitals in your area who use mesh products.

Downloadable Hernia Resource Library

Click below to find guides and resources to download or print to review during your doctor consultation.

LAST UPDATE: FEB 24, 2022 | Brochure

Hernia in Covid

Guidelines for fixing a hernia during the time of Covid.

LAST UPDATE: FEB 24, 2022 | Brochure

Hernia Checklist

Check to see if you have the signs of a hernia.

LAST UPDATE: FEB 24, 2022 | Brochure

Comprehensive Guide to Hernia

A comprehensive guide to all things hernia.

LAST UPDATE: FEB 24, 2022 | Brochure

Hernia Stats

See the statistics related to hernias.

LAST UPDATE: FEB 24, 2022 | Guide

Hernia in Pregnancy

Here's a guide on how to deal with hernias while pregnant.

LAST UPDATE: FEB 24, 2022 | Infographic

Lifestyle Changes

See what lifestyle changes can help as you experience a hernia.

LAST UPDATE: APR 19, 2022 | Guide

Hernia Glossary

Want a guide to the words you'll be hearing when discussing hernias?  This is the document you need.

LAST UPDATE: APR 18, 2022 | Guide

Doctor Discussion Guide

When it's time to see a doctor, use this guide to help make informed decisions.

LAST UPDATE: FEB 24, 2022 | Brochure

Advancing Hernia Care

New technologies are coming along every day.  Learn about some of your options here.

Contact Us

Fill out the form below to learn more about hernia mesh repair options.

For Professionals, please click here.