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Hernia Repair Options

Hernias will not heal on their own.  Surgery is required to repair a hernia.

In a hernia repair surgery, a mesh implant is often used to reinforce the weakened tissue and close the opening. Multiple surgical approaches can be used to repair your hernia, including open surgical, laparoscopic, and robotic approaches. Laparoscopic and robotic surgical repairs are minimally invasive surgical approaches used in place of open surgery in some cases. 

Historically, non-mesh surgical options, such as sewing the edges of existing healthy tissue together to cover the hernia, were used and may still be considered for smaller hernias. 1

Plastic (or "synthetic") mesh has been used in hernia repairs for many years. However, natural, absorbable mesh options are available. Read below to understand your options before talking to your doctor about your surgery.2,3

Options for mesh

Synthetic Mesh

Synthetic meshes made from plastic materials (e.g., polypropylene, polyester, etc.) are permanent implants used to repair hernias

These non-absorbable meshes remain in the body to provide support to the site of the repair. ³⁵

Bioresorbable mesh

Bioresorbable (or “resorbable”) mesh is made of natural biomaterials. 

The mesh is designed to dissolve over time leaving new tissue growth to support the site of the repair.⁵

Biologic graft

A biologic graft is an implant derived from animal or human tissue.

A biologic graft is most often used in complicated hernia repair procedures. Similar to bioresorbable mesh, biologic grafts are intended to degrade completely over time to continue supporting the repair even after the graft dissolves.6 7

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